Monday, January 16, 2012

Archaic Lexicology

Just found this crazy site filled with hundreds of unpopular, archaic vocabulary words that have fallen out of usage. It is a lot of fun for "werd-nerdz" to browse, as many of the words harken back to times and places now forgotten. Some of the featured expressions include, "jussulent", "eicastic" and "mingent", so I'd love to award it the, "C. Montgomery Burns Award for Cloakatively Incomprehensible Loquacity", but it'd be all title, so... Anyways, the site also lets you "adopt" words, whereby you accept the challenge to use a given word in conversation or correspondence as frequently as possible. Try it at home without risk of pudification!

Update (Feb, 2014): The site was taken down a while ago. However, it is archived here and this is also a petition to bring the site back!

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